“Emotional Landscapes” is a group show featuring works by Dana Nechmad, Adi Oren and Rives Wiley. The three artists’ works present contrasting perspectives on one’s emotional being, offering a spectrum of views and artistic approaches. The artists bring their own unique style to the gallery space, while exploring various aspects of the human experience. Distinct in their statements, all artworks share a deep message about the search for meaning, whether it comes from within human nature or a response to social interaction, and surrounding reality.
The show presents three artists that bring to the canvas the internal human experience as an Emotional Landscape. Exposing thought provoking visual moments while presenting the broad spectrum of life's experience.
Dana Nechmad transforms bodily experiences, affecting states, and existential modes into visual manifestations. Nechmad's work is deeply personal and informed by the ambiguity and drama at the raw core of human experience. Her figures are stripped of any cultural identifiers and placed in a colorful void, reflecting the un- natural environment of contemporary life and the emotional spectrum between demons and angels. For Nechmad, art is a way to connect to the world through active contemplation.