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Olga Kundina

Afternoon 2024 oil on canvas 35x45.jpg

Olga Kundina born in 1965, painter, holds an MA from The Institute for the Graphic Arts, Moscow (1985-1990). Moved to Israel in 1990. One of the founders of The New Barbizon Group. Lecturer at The Arts Institute, Tel Hai College.

Her work exhibited in one-person and group shows in Israel and abroad, among them are The Tel Aviv Museum of Art (2023), De Apple Museum, Amsterdam (2020), Erez Israel Museum, Tel Aviv (2019), Hamidrasha Gallery (2019), Museum of Art, Ein Harod (2017), Tel Aviv Museum of Art (2016), Haifa Museum of Art (2014), Circle1 gallery, Berlin.

Her work is included in many public and private collections in Israel and abroad including The Tel Aviv Museum of Art, The Negev Museum of Art, Bar-David Museum, Israel Makov collection, Discount Bank art collection and more.

''Shabat'' 2024oil on canvas 70x80.jpg